Monday, September 8


ANNCR: Now you can buy your own Presidential Flip Flops for just $19.95 at Prez-R-Us just like your favorite candidate wears. When you want to turn left they turn into two left flip flops. When you want to go hard right your Flip Flops turn into right wing tips.
And if you want to move into the center and dump the issues you hold most dear you can run in your Flip Flops as fast as you can straight down the middle for the most votes.
If you’re straddling an issue your Presidential Flip Flops can go in two directions at the same time without splitting you up. You can be both for the war and against the war in your Presidential Flip Flops without colliding with yourself. They have suckers on the bottom that stick to the surface like the suckers who vote for you.
Your Presidential Flip Flops shouldn’t be worn in the shower if you already have slippery principles for fear of falling on your face.
Presidential Flip Flops- for your change of heart in these difficult campaign days to get the most votes, even if you have to ditch your oldest most devoted followers for a bigger batch of new followers.
Change is Good. Presidential Flip Flops. Endorsed by John Kerry.

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